While I was driving my car and listening to Christian music a small epiphany occurred in my mind and soul. Rather than describe to you exactly what happened I will share with you what I wrote down....
Have you ever caught yourself wanting something you know you don't need? Or desiring something you have no right to? Have you ever made the wrong choice and followed it up with yet another "wrong choice"?
Perhaps you are guilty of drinking from the world's well. Everyday I see people who not only are relying on the world for their fulfillment but add to it by only calling on God when they're going through a trial or tribulation. God and His grace toward us is to be relied on DAILY!!! When we don't then we soon find the well of the world dehydrating us and leaving us wanting more, and all along God has told us "drink from my cup and I will QUENCH your soul"
The word of God says THIRST no more..... Not drink no more. We are to continually consume and swallow the life giving Word of God. Submerge ourselves in the cleansing of our mind, body and soul.
Our God.
The ONLY source that will truly quench the eternal drought that is a soul separated from our REDEEMER!!!!
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
John 4:14
After all the noise of a secular world's oppressive lies of strife and struggle our redeemer tells us THIRST NO MORE!!!
Pastor Aaron Oliveria
Chetwynd Community Church
Chetwynd (Burk's Falls) Ont.