Saturday, January 30, 2021

Is Going to Church Important.

 Is being at church important to you?  With many services cancelled because of virus restrictions, it can be challenging to find a church that is open.  Some Christians are watching services on television, zoom or similar sources.

All those solutions are better than nothing but, personally, I don't think anything can truly take the place of getting together-in person, with your church family and worshipping our Lord.

In Ontario at least, church's are still allowed to be open if certain guidelines are followed.  Others are not so fortunate.  They are faced with having to decide between staying home and disobeying Provincial restrictions that may result in having to paying hefty fines.

When I was young (many decades ago) it was taken for granted the majority of people would be in church on Sunday.  Sunday was an important and sacred day even if you didn't attend services.  Salespeople wouldn't phone or knock on your door,  stores were closed and children were instructed to play quietly.

Now, Sunday is just another day of the weekend and those who do go church are considered to be religious fanatics or out of touch with the 'real' world.

Sunday is the day I set aside to go to church and as long as I am able, that is what I will do.  

Why Go to Church

Why do you go to church?  Some might say it is just what we do on Sunday's or, in other words, it is a habit.  To see my friends, might be another answer.
The Bible says that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together (Hebrews 10:25)  For the early church, that might not have been in a building designed for that purpose.  It was probably in a home or perhaps a field.  Jesus often did his teaching outside which would accommodate a large number of people as well as allowing women to participate.
Going to church when I was young, was quite a formal event.  Women and girls wore hats, gloves and skirts or dresses.  Men wore suits.  Nowadays, parishioners wear just about anything.  I confess I haven't quite adjusted to that although I no longer don a hat and matching gloves.
Church, I believe is the place where we gather to worship God, to receive encouragement, teaching and enjoy the fellowship of like minded people.  The most important of these reasons is to worship God.  He deserves our praise and while we can and should do that all the time , there is a special blessing when you do it with others.  Even if you go to a small country church, as I do, those few voice raised in singing praises bring peace and contentment.  I also believe it blesses the Lord.
We may not be able to devote vast amounts of money or time to the Lord.  We might not serve Him in foreign countries or as a full time pastor but we can be faithful in our church attendance.
When our neighbours are doing their shopping, laundry or playing golf, we go to church and we go because we want to gather with others to offer our Praise to our Lord.